Monday, January 24, 2011


Celebrity, the gift we just keep giving. Why is it in our culture we love to elevate someone to the status of celebrity? We all do it. Just check the history on your teenagers computer and you will probably find the newest You Tube sensation. Williamson County is proud of their newest find. She is the Communications Director for the school system and has the arduous job of announcing school closings due to snow. Getting a highly anticipated phone call from this celeb creates a frenzy of cheers and text messages planning sledding excursions across the county.
On the national level we have the gift of the pro athlete. We are razzle-dazzled by their razzle-dazzle. Their accomplishments on the playing field become our accomplishments helping us believe that we can be like, ok, Mike, if we just do it! We are so giving we have even made a logo famous!
So whether you are a housewife, an airline employee, a mechanic, a chef, a person losing weight, a hairdresser, a doctor, or even a five year old beauty queen you better be ready for your close-up because we just can’t wait to make you the next best thing.

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