Sunday, May 29, 2011
The table next to you...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
how did I miss this?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It happens to us all. You write an email, push the send button, reread it and of course after its too late, cringe at the message. Texting is another playing field for typos. Its funny my big thumb, or my fat fingers are always to blame, not my failing eyesight!
Truth is, in this world of technology that’s in fifth gear our brains are sometimes stuck in neutral. So proofread, proofread and proofread again.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
butt injection?
Friday, February 4, 2011
thank you Steven Tyler!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Information highway...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Whats your status....
What’s your status?
Can you believe she likes that?
That’s a thumbs-up in my opinion.
Well according to the latest news feed hamburgers were on the menu last night.
I can’t believe my 14 year old is now engaged.
Yes it snowed not just at my house, but even my friend’s house, I saw pictures.
Oh the fabulous world of Facebook friendships. What was once a social site for incoming college students has become an information pipeline for the “I wonder whatever happened to” “lets see what’s happening with” or “ I like “ computer crowd. We make friends by clicking a button foregoing that awkward personal introduction followed by conversation way of the past. Friendship is now easy, we can briefly read about someone’s day and feel connected even involved. I look forward to the newest pictures and updates even if I haven’t personally talked to my friend in years. The fact that I accepted their invitation to friendship or they accepted mine means we are friends. No small talk, no catch up, we just pick up were we left off even if we can’t remember where that was. My friend’s friends are now even my friends. It’s a virtual world of visibility and popularity that appeals to all ages. So thanks Facebook, this is great, right?
Sunday, January 9, 2011
What the?
It’s raining birds and the “bomb is in the mail”! What is happening? Some would have us believe and there is a billboard in Brentwood to remind us, that the end is near. I don’t know, the way I was raised, that day is a big secret to us all. I do know that reading about these events can be unsettling. I mean, why are birds dying in droves? Fireworks, maybe, electric wires, I once had an owl die from landing on our transformer, so perhaps. What makes a person hate so much they would want to kill innocent people? That I can’t reason away because it’s so unreasonable. I guess there are some things in this world we just don’t have answers for. But isn’t that ok, I mean who really wants to know if pro sports on TV are rigged or what in the world Tiger was thinking!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Hey there indecency....
Hey there indecency what’s it like in Hollywood? Your 2,000 miles away and we can’t get rid of you…
From a region that has brought us such stellar entertainment as the Bachelor and A Shot of Love With Tila Tequila comes the news that the FCC is now powerless over banning bare buns on television. Because of declining ratings, there’s no question mainstream networks will now use the fanny factor to get their viewers back. Really? This too? Isn’t sitting through the Viagra commercials enough? Now Backsides ? Aren’t our cheeks blushing already? Apparently in its own language the FCC has stated that all nudity isn’t indecent. What about the ugly butts? The fallen, the dimpled, the fat! There is no limit as to what we will see flipping through the channels on our way to the OFF button… I swear its true…
Friday, January 7, 2011
Lingerie Football?
The “Brentwood Babes in Bras” vs. the Nashville Naughties in Nighties, really? Is that what we want to see on a Friday night, Lingerie Football? Do we hire a babysitter and liven up our date night? For those of us wives, mothers, girlfriends or even sisters, that squirm and tighten our tummies when the scantly dressed cheerleaders or ice girls burst out during game breaks, are we ready for this? Is that where we are as a culture? Do we have to play along? I can see the lingerie advertisements now. Pick-up line panties, grocery store garters, soccer game sexy babydolls. Think about it, no more standing in the closet wandering what to wear. Just put on your power push-up and you are ready to conquer the day. So maybe we should thank those brash brazen bra wearing athletes, for making our lives just a bit easier.